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Use the filter and pager commands to navigate through the downloads and quickly locate the file(s) you are looking for.

Q: Which files are needed to play the game?
A: In general, to play in a particular server, you need a certain number of PK3 files, depending on the mod which is used by the server, and on the number of custom maps deployed on that server.

Q: Shouldn't the needed files get downloaded automatically by the game itself?
A: Yes, but you have to enable both the "Get missing files from server" and "use HTTP/FTP downloads" options in the game options scree (see image below - press ESC and click on the GAME menu item to access that screen).

ET Game options screen

Q: Which files do I need to play in the PDP servers?
A: Our servers use the NoQuarter mod, two different versions of it, so you need all of the mod files whose names start with either "noquarter" and "nq", such as noquarter_b1.0.2.pk3 and nq_bin_b1.0.4.pk3. Filter the downloads by folder, choosing noquarter as the filter folder. In addition, you need a certain number of .pk3 map files. You could just download all of the map files listed, but some of them aren't actually needed for playing, since aren't currently installed on neither server. Even in case that the automatic download fails, the server will tell you which files are missing, so take note of the names and look for them in the list.

Q: Where do I put the files?
A: You should put all the *map* files in your etmain directory, while the mod files should go in the folder corresponding to the mod they belong to. In general, filter the downloads list using the folder select box, the files listed under the etmain folder go into your etmain folder, those listed under the noquarter folder go into your noquarter folder. The files contained in other folders aren't strictly needed to play ET, at least on our ET servers.

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